Siga los pasos a continuación para cambiar el idioma de la plataforma en el móvil:
- Seleccione el menú plegable en la esquina izquierda de la pantalla para expandirlo

2. En el menú desplegable, busque la opción de idioma

3. Seleccione el idioma deseado

Una vez hecho esto, la plataforma ya estará traducida.

Ok sir thank you
Hello Team,
My query is regarding the videos ,the audio of it gets translated from protuguese to English but the presentation and text that is displaced on the screen is still in protuguese and not displayed in English . Can you please help us to get that video displayed content to in English for us to understand better.
I did it but still same😔
Can you share more details about the problem that are you facing in my email? ([email protected])
Thank you
I did exactly this and it’s still not in English